Staying Healthy on the Road: Tips for Long-Haul Truckers

Aug. 23 2023 Information By Erica Bellach

Life as a long-haul trucker can be grueling. You're away from home for weeks or months at a time, often eating at truck stops and sleeping in your cab. This kind of lifestyle can take a toll on your health if you're not proactive about improving your overall health. Here are some tips for truckers to stay healthy while out on the open road:

Get Exercise When You Can

Sittings for hours on end while driving can cause back pain, joint stiffness, weight gain, and overall fatigue. Be sure to take breaks to get in some exercise whenever possible. This could be as simple as stretching right outside your truck to help relieve muscle tension. Or when stopped, take a power walk around the parking lot or rest stop to get your heart rate elevated and loosen your body. You can also find truck stops with fitness centers that you can use for more extensive workouts on the go.

Choose Healthier Food Options

Truck stop food is notoriously unhealthy - burgers, fries, sugary snacks, etc. With some care, though, you can eat better on the road by packing fruits, vegetables, nuts, yogurt, and other healthy snacks in a cooler to keep in your cab. Truck stops are getting better at providing healthier dining options, so look for options on restaurant menus such as grilled chicken or salads. Stay hydrated by drinking primarily water instead of soda and energy drinks loaded with sugar.

Get Quality Sleep

Lack of sleep is common for truckers, which can quickly lead to fatigue and impaired driving. Make sleep a priority by stopping driving earlier in the evening, if possible, and keep your cab dark, cool, and quiet for better sleep. Consider using a CPAP machine if you suffer from sleep apnea and be sure to avoid caffeine in the late afternoon and evening. 

Reduce Stress

Life on the road brings stress from traffic delays, time pressures, and lack of home time. Manage stress by scheduling adequate time for each haul, taking breaks when driving gets tedious, and practicing deep breathing exercises. Meditation apps can help relax your mind during breaks and then make time to call home and connect with loved ones. Many drivers have also found exercise to be a source of stress relief, one which has added health benefits.

See Your Doctor 

The general sedentary nature of truck driving raises your risk for conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, and chronic back issues. Get regular checkups to stay on top of your health and ask for bloodwork to check cholesterol, blood glucose, etc. Be sure to communicate any health concerns such as low quality sleep, weight gain, lower back pain, etc., so that the doctors can get you on the road to better health.

Driving a big rig is a tough job, but paying attention to your health can greatly improve your time on the open road. Follow these tips to feel better, drive safer, and stay healthy while criss-crossing the country. Your body will thank you down the line.